Launch Pop

Helping high-potential founders research, brand, launch, and grow their businesses.

Delivering results to clients weeks faster
Web App
Web App

Launch Pop

Launch Pop is a signal-testing agency specializing in launching diverse brands and products while collaborating with founders to bring their vision to life. Ranging from unique culinary experiences to essential everyday products, Launch Pop uses a data-driven approach. They emphasize objective insights over subjective feelings to make informed decisions regarding brand-building and product launches.

The Brand

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The product

LaunchPop’s previous strategy was labour-intensive, requiring manual data extraction and tedious work that demanded significant human attention and effort. Our low-code agency simplified these challenges by building a connect and automated product. This platform pulls data into simple tables, compiles exportable reports, and enhances the user experience with direct access to critical information.

The product

Operational Efficiency
By transitioning from a week-long manual process to a 30-minute automated task—we increased LaunchPop’s operational efficiency, enabling them to make quicker and more informed decisions.
Improved Accuracy
By automating this process, we removed the risk of human error in data compilation and analysis, providing LaunchPop with more accurate and precise insights.
Enhanced Decision-Making
By enabling easy access to comprehensive data visualization, LaunchPop is able to rapidly make informed decisions—giving them a competitive edge in a fast-paced industry.

The results

Through our engagement, LaunchPop successfully transformed its data analysis process, moving away from a time-consuming and manual approach to a streamlined and automated solution. This not only saved them valuable time and resources, but also positioned them to optimize their objective decision-making.