Major Streaming Service

Internal tool for the global growth team at a major streaming company.

$250M in annual Growth Spend
Web App
Web App

Major Streaming Service

Campaign ID tool that generates UTMs based on user inputs from drop down selectors and tracks the performance of those campaigns.

The Brand

This Fortune 500 company and renowned streaming service with over 77 million global subscribers. They are responsible for managing thousands of campaigns across hundreds of marketing channels. The success of these campaigns heavily relies on accurate data tracking—facilitated by unique campaign identification.
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The product

The existing process of generating unique campaign IDs—through an Excel sheet—is filled with human errors, inconsistencies, and extended maintenance requirements. In collaboration with the global growth team, our low-code agency eliminated these challenges with an intuitive and efficient product. The primary goal was to build a user-friendly interface, integrating dynamic dropdown fields and conditional formatting, reducing the likelihood of such challenges and expediting the campaign identification process.

The product

Dynamic Dropdown Fields
Our new application featured dynamic dropdown fields that allow users to select options based on context, minimizing the risk of choosing incorrect values and ensuring data accuracy.
Conditional Formatting
The implementation of conditional formatting not only enhanced the visual appeal of the interface but also provided immediate visual cues, guiding users through the process and reducing the chance of errors.
Real-Time Tracking
The application enabled real-time tracking of campaign performance, empowering the client's team to assess the impact of their strategies without delays or inaccuracies.

The results

Following the launch of this web application, a thorough week-long audit was conducted to identify and rectify any potential errors. Remarkably, there were zero errors detected, exceeding expectations and providing the clients team with newfound confidence in their campaign tracking. Our engagement helped them eliminate errors, gain operational efficiency, and ensure reliability in their process.